Raising Your Vibration with Gratitude
“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie
In the Oxford dictionary, the definition of being Grateful is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and to return kindness. My interpretation of this definition, is that there is an exchange of energy – you are thankful for receiving and as a result you express kindness (and love). When you practice being grateful for all that you already have, you are express a positive energy.
Several years ago I decided to do a Gratitude experiment and express my gratitude as much a possible throughout each day over a month. The results were astounding in terms of raising my vibration. I noticed that focusing on a situation or an object that I was grateful for, released an energy of pure love and I started receiving more things to be grateful for including opportunities, friendships, inspiring conversations and material items. All of sudden, my energy was pulsating higher and higher and I gained momentum towards feeling good and then amazing.
When it comes to the Law of Attraction – we bring to us more of the same of what we are giving out. If we are feeling grateful and excited about what we already have, the Universe will bring us more things to feel grateful about – it is the fundamental law of attraction. I recommend if you want to raise your vibration to attract more of what you desire into your life, than conduct a Gratitude experiment and start enjoying the results.
Here is how to do a Gratitude Experiment:
- Write a list of ten things you are grateful for each day in a notebook or journal. No need to get fancy, just any paper will do.
- Each day, add a theme to your gratitude list i.e. health, money, relationships and so on
- After a week, start adding your desires to the list as if you already received them i.e. I am grateful I have my coffee machine as I absolutely love making fresh coffee in the morning (try to add feeling when you talk about desires)
- Rotate your themes and keep adding new desires as if they have happened throughout the 28 days
- All throughout your day, be mindful of what you are grateful for. The longer you remain in a state of gratefulness throughout each day, the more amazing you will feel.
- At the end of each week, write a letter to someone telling them of all the wonderful situations, relationships and new opportunities that appeared in your life (those that happened and yet to come).
Bonne chance! Good Luck.
P.S. If you would prefer a step by step book on Gratitude, I recommend ‘The Magic’ by Rhonda Byrnes.
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