Ok, so you want a Soul Business but the only thing holding you back is the idea that you have to spend a lot of cash?

You are not alone as I was feeling like this to when I started out. Then one day I realised I didn’t need much upfront investment. There are so many super affordable ways to start your soul business. At first you may not believe me, but it is really easy to start a business as there is an ABUNDANCE of FREE products, resources and tutorials available online to get you going. Before I started my business, I was waiting around for a huge cash injection to magically manifest in my life so I could do all the things I had in mind. However I started to come to the realisation that I don’t need to start with my A-Game – I just need to start. Once I took that pressure off, I was airborne. I would like to share the basic steps with you on getting started in a super affordable way.

1. Get Clear on your idea – find your passion

Would you believe that getting clear on your idea is the first major hurdle to overcome? Many people have created a business based on what they think they SHOULD do rather than what they WANT to do. If you can however get clear at the beginning about your passion, what you can offer and how to make money from it, then you are all systems go. Spend more time in this area. Feel free to download my Manifesting Big Ideas Cheat Sheet to come up with your perfect idea.

2. Business Name and Legal Setup

Come up with a really great business name and register it. Make sure you check if the domain name is available first and if it is, go for it.

3. Start a Website, social media and Blog

Start a website and blog. There are numerous free platforms available with really easy to use templates.  I started with wordpress and still use it today. Make sure people can subscribe to your email.  Affordable Platforms include:
  • WordPress – simply pay for hosting and maybe a them upgrade
  • Hootsuite FREE Version – Schedule your social media posts to free up your time
  • Mailchimp FREE Version – Collect emails through your website and send regularly as your database grows
  • Canva FREE version – create graphic and workbooks
  • Participate in free online courses and read articles on creating content.
  • Join entrepreneur membership groups on facebook for support, ideas and inspiration

4. Create a Product or Service

Now that you have started on your website – add your product or service. Think of ways to monetize your passion and offer it on your website. 

5. Promote through your existing networks

Start developing your audience through your existing one. Email friends and family, encourage them to sign up through your facebook page and get them reading your blog. It all starts here, everyone starts here. 

6. Let go of being perfect

You don’t need to be perfect, just start. You can refine your copy, your product, your offer as you go along. Just starting is the hardest part.  Once you are up and running, you can polish your offer, your material or develop your skills further. Just by starting your business, you have developed your confidence that you can do this and you are already on your way. It places you right in the energy of creation and you will get your inspiration and synchronicities as evidence that you are on the right path. Know that you will make it and you just need a small step toward it every time.   If you want to really kick start your Soul Business and the learn the art of manifesting, check out my Happy Everything Online Course. You will be on your way to starting your Soul Business in no time. In this course you will:
  • Discover your passion and purpose,
  • Create your Soul Brand through Branding with Archetypes
  • Identify your Niche with Niche Breakthrough Secrets.
You will receive the added bonuses of understanding how to manifest your ideal life and your prosperity mindset throughout. Plus you will learn how to carve your own unique path to ensure your business supports your lifestyle aspirations. Are you ready to upgrade and live the life you were destined to lead? Yes, yes and yes!
about the author

about the author

Vanessa Elizabeth

Vanessa teaches a wholistic approach to manifesting and is a champion for preserving our conditions to thrive. You can work with Vanessa to create a simpler lifestyle aligned to our human spirit offering fulfillment, prosperity, happiness, natural living and quality time with your family.  Learn More.