Desire vs. Intention

1. What is Desire?

Desire is defined as a strong wish to have something. We all have desires and we launch new ones all the time often after recognising what we don’t want. A desire can range from wanting that wonderful home made chocolate that is available at the Farmers Market or on the other end of the scale, desiring to be a multi millionaire with the ability to own thousands of chocolate stores.

Desires are wonderful to have, they allow us to envision the life we want to lead. However desire by itself doesn’t get you towards your goals. Energetically, it can remain a wish that may or not be fulfilled depending on your beliefs. For instance, it is easy to fulfill your desire to have homemade chocolate as there is no gap between the action and the belief. You know that you can go to the market on the weekend and buy it. It is within your realm of possibility. To be the multimillionaire though, that may be a different story. Our belief systems often tell us that being a multi millionaire is much harder and requires good luck and perseverance, which may well be the case, however most importantly it requires intention.

2. What is Intention

Intention is defined as an aim or plan. Energetically it means you are agreeing to do what it takes to achieve your desire knowing that it is yours to have. Intention is the difference between getting your goal or not.

When you set an intention to eat that homemade chocolate, you know you have to get out of your chair, get dressed, jump in the car and buy it. It is a series of actions required to get what you want, knowing you will have it. The same applies to being a multi millionaire. Sitting back and waiting for it to show up lowers your chances of getting it, if however you intend to be one, you align to your goal and will take the actions required to get it as you know it will happen.

3. Which One Gets Results – Desire or Intention?

Both however intention is the only thing that actively gets you what you want. Desire is the recognition that you want something and Intention gives you the energy to get it. You will struggle to get what you want by only focusing on desire as chances of someone bringing you that homemade chocolate out of the blue are less than if you got it yourself. If you set an intention to get it such as going yourself or asking someone, you will close the gap between wanting and having.


Recognise your desires and launch as many as possible. As per my other teachings, take time to imagine what it is like to have your desire and how you would feel when you do. This helps you become energetically connected to what you want and determine whether this desire is right for you.

Then set your intention to get it, knowing that you will take the steps needed to have it. This will inspire you to take the right steps towards your goal to ensure you achieve it.



about the author

about the author

Vanessa Elizabeth

Vanessa teaches a wholistic approach to manifesting and is a champion for preserving our conditions to thrive. You can work with Vanessa to create a simpler lifestyle aligned to our human spirit offering fulfillment, prosperity, happiness, natural living and quality time with your family.  Learn More.